Saint John’s Wort


Seedling in a 2.5″ Pot. To be delivered at perfect time for planting (April)



Latin Name: Hypericum perforatum. About the Plant: Hardy to Zones 3 to 7. Herbaceous perennial with worldwide distribution. We love this herb that volunteers so selflessly for the betterment of all. Traditional usage (TWM): restore damaged nerve tissue, strengthens urinary organs, antidepressant. Plant prefers dry to mesic, poor or quickly draining soils, full sun. Light dependent germinator. Sow in spring. Use very sandy soil mix, press seed firmly into surface and keep evenly moist and in the light until germ, which takes about 5 days. Transplant or thin to 2 feet apart. Flowers yellow to 30 inches. Many growers have had questions about this herb because it looks a bit like 2 different herbs depending on the season. First year it creeps and crawls, and second year it sends up multiple stiff stems that flower yellow in midsummer.