Khella (Toothpick Plant)


Seedling in a 2.5″ Pot. To be delivered at perfect time for planting (April)



Latin Name: Ammi visnaga. Days to Maturity: 90. About the Plant: Annual. Native to the Mediterranean. Bears astoundingly long-lasting white umbels as large as 5 inches across . Traditional usage (TWM): asthma and arteriosclerosis. The pedicels are used as toothpicks–they are sized right and very strong. The plant volunteers rampantly around sausage stands in Morocco. Plant prefers full sun, regular watering, average soil. Sow in spring by sprinkling seed on a prepared seedbed, barely covering, tamping well, and keeping evenly moist, warm, and in the light until germination, which takes from 7 to 14 days. Direct seed or sow in pots, thin or transplant to 1 foot apart.