Latin Name: Hyssopus officinalis. About the Plant: Common Hyssop grows as a warm heirloom and flowering herb reaching 2-3″ tall. As a perennial, Hyssop, also known as “Syrian oregano” is a variety that thrives in temperate conditions and blooms in mid-to-late summer or early fall. Once your hyssop plants reach full maturity, hardy herbs will develop violet-blue flowers spiked on slender deep-green stems”giving off a bright, floral and minty aroma. Blue Hyssop will produce medicinal leaves throughout the season. Harvest Hyssop before it easily self-seeds and dies back during winter. As a member of the mint family, Blue Hyssop isn’t used as often in comparison to other herbs such as oregano. However, Hyssop is still known for its medicinal properties and is a popular way to soothe sore throats, coughs or the common cold. Hyssop can be extracted and added to herbal formulas as a syrup or as an essential oil”as Hyssop contains antioxidants in its aromatic violet-blue flowers that help relax your respiratory system. flowering perennial herb native to regions in the Middle East. Shrub-like common Hyssop plants are known as a medicinal herb used to sooth and help treat coughs, colds and sore throats. With hardy growth, this variety is also known as “Syrian Oregano” and develops violet-blue flowers spiked on deep-green slender stems that give off a bright aroma”as Hyssop is in the mint family and makes a vibrant ornamental herb.