Celery (Amsterdam Seasoning)


Seedling in a 2.5″ Pot. To be delivered at perfect time for planting (April)



Latin Name: Apium graveolens. Days to Maturity: 80. About the Plant: Keeping gourmet seasoning on hand is easy with this “cutting” type celery! This particular variety hails from the Netherlands, but it is an Asian type cutting celery, Latin name Apium graveolens secalinum. Also known as Chinese Celery, or Nan Ling, these types tend to have larger leaves and small fibrous stalks. This variety is a nuanced and balanced seasoning celery. Both the leaves and stalks are excellent for broth, soups, and general use in the kitchen. This care-free cut-and-come-again herb rounds out countless dishes & is a chef’s favorite.