

Seedling in a 2.5″ Pot. To be delivered at perfect time for planting (April)



Latin Name: Petasites hybridus. About the Plant: Herbaceous perennial native to Eurasia. Dioecious, with male flowers and female flowers on separate plants. The flowers emerge prior to the leaves, composed of cone-like spikes of pink florets. The female flowers reach to a height of 30 inches, and the male flowers are shorter. The entire plant, at maturity, composed of gigantic heart-shaped leaves measuring up to 3 feet across and equally as tall. Traditional use (TWM): Antitussive, pain relief, hay fever, colds, asthma, migraine. The leaves were traditionally used to wrap butter, to keep it from melting and to prevent rancidity. The flowers provide a significant early spring nectar source for bees and other pollinators. Contains low levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Prefers moist soil in the shade to part sun. Does well in shade garden, woodlands, ditches, ponds, lakes and/or streamside habitat. Press seeds into surface of potting soil and keep moist and in the light–6 day germination under lights. Work seedlings up in larger pots until sufficiently sized to transplant to garden or streamside. Space plants 3 feet apart.